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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Beatrice Amorosi” ,找到相关结果约1165条。
Capillaroscopy in Psoriatic and Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Useful Tool for Differential Diagnosis
Dario Graceffa,Beatrice Amorosi,Elisa Maiani,Claudio Bonifati,Maria Sole Chimenti,Roberto Perricone,Aldo Di Carlo
Arthritis , 2013, DOI: 10.1155/2013/957480
Abstract: Impairment of capillaries permeability and changes of microcirculation are associated with inflammatory arthritis. In order to demonstrate microvascular differences between psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) we analyzed capillaroscopic abnormalities such as megacapillaries, haemorrhages, ramifications, and avascular areas in patients affected by these two rheumatic disorders. Moreover to identify specific capillaroscopy patterns we analyzed the following parameters: venous limb diameter, arterial limb diameter, capillary loop diameter, amplitude of the capillary loop, linear density of capillaries (on 2?mm), and number of twisted capillaries (on 4?mm). Through a comparative morphometric analysis of capillaroscopy, our study demonstrated the presence of specific microvascular differences between PsA and RA providing an additional diagnostic tool for the differential diagnosis. We also suggest that capillaries structural abnormalities might reflect endothelial injury due to systemic inflammation during chronic arthritis. 1. Introduction Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting 0.04%–0.1% of the general population and occurs in one-third of patients with psoriasis. PsA can lead to severe bone erosions and joints destruction resulting in physical disability [1]. Nowadays, no specific laboratory tests are available for PsA; it is not always possible, therefore, confirm the diagnosis and provide an objective prognosis, especially at an early stage of disease. The differential diagnosis between PsA and RA is very difficult in PsA patients with slight cutaneous signs and rheumatoid-like joint involvement [2–4]. Presence of citrullinated peptide antibodies has a high specificity for RA, but, among that, they are rarely seen in PsA patients [5]. Morphological and rheological changes in microcirculation have been widely demonstrated in PsA and RA patients. Impairment of capillaries permeability and alterations in the connections between endothelium and extracellular matrix characterize these damages, resulting in abnormal structure and shape of the capillaries in the dermal papillae [6–8]. Capillaroscopy allows the study “in vivo” of morphological and functional characteristics of microcirculation. Several authors have tried to identify specific microvascular characteristics of cutaneous psoriasis and PsA; these studies were mainly conducted on the skin plaques, on synovial membrane and at nailfold level. However, the results are not univocal [9–12]. Aim of our study was to demonstrate specific microvascular
Home-range di un lupo radio marcato nel Parco del Gigante
Willy Reggioni,Francesca Amorosi
Hystrix : the Italian Journal of Mammalogy , 2003, DOI: 10.4404/hystrix-14.0-4220
Abstract: La stima dell'ampiezza, forma e pattern di utilizzo dell'area frequentata da un lupo nelle sue normali attività nel territorio del Parco del Gigante è stata ottenuta attraverso l'applicazione della tecnica radiotelemetrica. Nel periodo intercorso tra i mesi di febbraio e novembre dell'anno 2001 è stato infatti possibile condurre su una lupa adulta munita di radiocollare tradizionale VHF un'attività di radio-tracking di tipo continuo con turni giornalieri di 4 ore e localizzazioni ripetute ogni 15 minuti. Tutte le localizzazioni sono state ottenute con il metodo della triangolazione elaborando attraverso il programma LOCATE II i dati raccolti in contemporanea da due squadre ognuna dotata di un'attrezzatura ricevente costituita da un'antenna direzionale del tipo Yagi a 4 elementi collegata ad una radio ricevente. Le 1.136 localizzazioni così ottenute sono state digitalizzate e georeferenziate utilizzando il programma GIS (Geographic Information System) ArcView 3.2a. L'analisi dei dati per le stime degli Home Range è stata condotta ricorrendo a localizzazioni indipendenti (intervallo 29 ore) attraverso sia stimatori derivati dai punti periferici dello spazio utilizzato (Minimo Poligono Convesso, MPC) sia tecniche non parametriche come il metodo della Media Armonica e la Kernel Analysis che hanno permesso di evidenziare i centri di attività, la dimensione e la forma interna degli Home Range mensili, stagionali e dell'intero periodo di studio (gli Home Range sono stati calcolati al 100%, 99% e 95% delle localizzazioni). Alle stesse tecniche non parametriche di analisi, ma utilizzando diverse percentuali di localizzazioni (20%, 40%), si è fatto ricorso per evidenziare forma, dimensione e grado di frammentazione delle "core area". L'estensione complessiva del territorio abitualmente utilizzato dalla lupa nel corso dei 9 mesi di studio è risultato di 237 km2 (Kernel 95%). Per evidenziare importanti differenze negli spazi utilizzati sia in termini di estensione territoriale che di forma nonché un differente uso interno dell'Home Range a livello stagionale, i 9 mesi di studio sono stati suddivisi in tre distinti periodi: pre-riproduttivo e subito dopo le nascite (febbraio-giungo); periodo dei rendez-vous (luglio-agosto) e periodo autunnale (settembre-novembre). In tal modo è stato possibile evidenziare come il territorio della lupa nel periodo tardo primaverile ed estivo sia risultato ridotto in estensione a solo 53 Km2 e con un unico centro di attività localizzato in posizione quasi centrale, nel periodo estivo di 61 km2 e nel periodo autunnale di 204 Km2 con un
Magallania (Punta Arenas) , 2009, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-22442009000200003
Abstract: in this paper we present a bioarchaeologic study of human remains of burial 2 of ca?adón leona 5 site (magallanes, chile), excavated by the american archaeologist junius bird during the 1930s. we examined the 8 individuals (2 subadults and 6 adults) recovered in this burial -currently housed at the anthropology division, american museum of natural history, new york-, from a physiological, pathological, and taphonomic point of view. in this assemblage, two calvaria exhibit compressive traumas (circular and subcircular perforations with some rim remodeling). in both cases it is inferred that these unhealed lesions were related to the cause of death. it could be proposed that the recorded injuries may have been related to interpersonal violence either among or between groups (raids?). the latter case is likely in the context of a higher territorial competence in this area between neighboring hunter-gatherer groups at a time (ca. 2.300 radiocarbon years bp), for which a significant increase in population density has been inferred by means of independent archaeological evidence in the area of study (51-52.4° s).
Magallania , 2009,
Abstract: En este trabajo se presenta el estudio bioarqueológico de los restos óseos humanos del entierro 2 del sitio Ca adón Leona 5 (Región de Magallanes, Chile) excavado por el arqueólogo norteamericano Junius Bird en la década del ′30. Se analizaron tanto los procesos fisiológicos y patológicos como las modificaciones tafonómicas que afectaron los ocho individuos (dos subadultos y seis adultos) identificados en el entierro, actualmente depositados en la División de Antropología del Museo Americano de Historia Natural de Nueva york. La presencia de traumas intencionales por compresión en la bóveda craneana de dos individuos adultos (perforación circular y subcircular con fractura y bordes remodelados) se relacionan con las causas de muerte de los mismos. Estas lesiones se asocian con eventos de violencia interpersonal dentro o entre grupos de cazadores-recolectores vecinos (raids?). Esta última opción pudo originarse por competencia por el territorio y sus recursos en un momento del Holoceno tardío (ca. 2.300 a os 14C AP.) para el cual se estima un incremento significativo en la densidad poblacional en el área (51-52,4° sur). In this paper we present a bioarchaeologic study of human remains of burial 2 of Ca adón Leona 5 site (Magallanes, Chile), excavated by the American archaeologist Junius Bird during the 1930s. We examined the 8 individuals (2 subadults and 6 adults) recovered in this burial -currently housed at the Anthropology Division, American Museum of Natural History, New york-, from a physiological, pathological, and taphonomic point of view. In this assemblage, two calvaria exhibit compressive traumas (circular and subcircular perforations with some rim remodeling). In both cases it is inferred that these unhealed lesions were related to the cause of death. It could be proposed that the recorded injuries may have been related to interpersonal violence either among or between groups (raids?). The latter case is likely in the context of a higher territorial competence in this area between neighboring hunter-gatherer groups at a time (ca. 2.300 radiocarbon years BP), for which a significant increase in population density has been inferred by means of independent archaeological evidence in the area of study (51-52.4° S).
Magallania (Punta Arenas) , 2010, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-22442010000200009
Abstract: this work presents the results of the detailed analysis of the bone material that make up the multiple burial in cerro sota cave (pali aike volcano field, chile), excavated by the american archaeologist junius bird in 1936. pre and postdepositional taphonomic changes are analysed together with the pathologic and physiological processes that affected the nine individuals identified at the site (six were part of the burial while three were found outside the structure). this material are currently housed at the anthropology division of the american museum of natural history of new york. an analysis of anthropic variables shows that the evidence of intentional thermal alteration of the skeletons are not enough to define this burial as cremation, and that the traces of fire action are more appropriately interpreted as partial combustion of the burial. the scenario that involves the death of seven individuals (six from the burial site here analyzed and one that is lost) at the beginning of the late holocene in southern pali aike (ca. 3.600 a?os bp.) could be related with increased mortality due to the greater population density inferred for the area after 4.000 bp., although the precise causes of the simultaneous deaths are still unknown.
Magallania , 2010,
Abstract: En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del análisis detallado de los materiales óseos que componen el entierro múltiple de la Cueva Cerro Sota (Campo Vocánico Pali Aike; Chile), excavado por el arqueólogo americano Junius Bird en 1936. Se analizan las modificaciones tafonómicas pre y posdepositacionales y los procesos fisiológicos y patológicos que afectaron los nueve individuos identificados en el sitio (seis que componen el entierro y tres hallados por fuera de la estructura), actualmente depositados en la División de Antropología del Museo Americano de Historia Natural de Nueva york. Del análisis de las variables antrópicas se desprende que las evidencias de alteración térmica intencional en los esqueletos no alcanzarían para definir a este entierro como cremación, considerando más adecuado interpretar los rastros de la acción del fuego como combustión parcial del entierro. El panorama que involucra la muerte de siete individos (seis procedentes del entierro aquí analizados y uno extraviado) a comienzos del Holoceno tardío en Pali Aike meridional (ca. 3.600 a os AP.), se relacionaría con el incremento de la mortalidad derivada de la mayor densidad poblacional del área inferida para momentos posteriores al 4.000 AP., aunque las causas precisas de los decesos simultáneos siguen sin conocerse. This work presents the results of the detailed analysis of the bone material that make up the multiple burial in Cerro Sota Cave (Pali Aike Volcano Field, Chile), excavated by the American archaeologist Junius Bird in 1936. Pre and postdepositional taphonomic changes are analysed together with the pathologic and physiological processes that affected the nine individuals identified at the site (six were part of the burial while three were found outside the structure). This material are currently housed at the Anthropology Division of the American Museum of Natural History of New york. An analysis of anthropic variables shows that the evidence of intentional thermal alteration of the skeletons are not enough to define this burial as cremation, and that the traces of fire action are more appropriately interpreted as partial combustion of the burial. The scenario that involves the death of seven individuals (six from the burial site here analyzed and one that is lost) at the beginning of the late Holocene in southern Pali Aike (ca. 3.600 a os BP.) could be related with increased mortality due to the greater population density inferred for the area after 4.000 BP., although the precise causes of the simultaneous deaths are still unknown.
Sea Anemone Tumor: Macroscopic Diagnosis of Cardiac Papillary Fibroelastoma
Andrea Amorosi,Chiara Mignogna,Pasquale Mastroroberto
- , 2019, DOI: 10.1177/1066896918775526
Impact of Psychosocial Factors on the Adolescents’ Behaviour  [PDF]
Beatrice Olawumi Ajidahun
Creative Education (CE) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.24057
Abstract: The study examined poverty, divorce and peer-pressure as correlates of behavioural problems among adolescents in Adekunle Ajasin University. A total number of 100 students were randomly selected from various Departments in the Faculty of Education. The research instrument titled: Adolescent Psychological Questionnaire (APQ) consisting of 18 items was administered to the adolescents in the Faculty. Four research hypotheses were formulated. The data were analysed using frequency count and Chi-Square statistics. Results showed that all the hypotheses tested were significant. This implies that poverty, divorce and peer-pressure were correlates of behavioural problems among adolescents in the Faculty of Education, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba- Akoko, Nigeria.
Effect of Maternal Employment on Infant Feeding Practices in Southwestern Nigeria  [PDF]
Beatrice Olubukola Ogunba
Food and Nutrition Sciences (FNS) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/fns.2015.67063
Abstract: The study investigated the effect of maternal employment on breastfeeding and child care practices of mothers in Southwestern Nigeria. Information was collected on maternal socio economic characteristics, care and feeding practices of 450 mothers selected by multi stage random sampling procedure from both urban and rural communities. Results revealed that 46.9% mothers spent more than 8 hours at work, 62.7% worked outside their homes and 73.1% spent about 17 - 24 hours with their children per day. Children received prelacteal feeds such as water (61.1%), concoction (34%), glucose (32%) and infant formula (54.7%). Mean number of breastfeeding per day was 9.7 ± 3.9; only 24% were exclusively breastfed, 37.3% introduced complementary foods at 6 months and 68.6% terminated breastfeeding between 13 - 18 months. Mothers that were engaged in work outside their home in offices and factories practiced exclusive breastfeeding. Mothers below 30 years of age used prelacteal feeds, did not practice exclusive breastfeeding (58.3%), terminated breastfeeding earlier and combined the use of feeding bottles, plates and cups for feeding (50.3%) when compared with mothers between 40 - 50 years. Mothers in the rural areas used water as prelacteal feeds (85.3%) mothers in urban communities used infant formula (65.4%). A significant association was found between maternal places of employment. It is strongly associated with the timing of introduction of complementary foods (p < 0.02) and the number of snack consumed/day (p < 0.03). Conclusively, maternal place of work positively influences the adoption of appropriate infant feeding practice. Working mothers should receive more support in the work place for them to practice appropriate feeding practices.
Demographic Characteristics as Determinants of the Use of Health Care Services: A Case of Nsukka, Southeast Nigeria  [PDF]
Beatrice D. Adeoye
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2015.312003
Abstract: Studies have associated demographic characteristics as strong determinants of utilization of health care services; however, not much has been done to explore the dynamics of these variables in Nigeria. This empirical study explores the link between demographic factors and the use of health care services. 543 respondents were selected using multi-stage sampling technique. The findings showed that a majority (56.9%) of the respondents were female while (50.3%) were married. Testing the demographic characteristics regarding where people will prefer to go for treatment with multiple regression, it is only sex as a demographic variable that indicates positive association, with 0.08 level of significance. Variables such as age and education did not indicate any strong correlation with health care services utilization in the study area. This result corroborates the reality in many parts of African society where it is the father that dictates the cause of action. That means gender plays an important role in the utilization of health care delivery.

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